Feb 172016

HealthToday I went to Orlando for my second modified barium swallow. I’ve been dreading it for the past two weeks because last time I choked so bad I was dry heaving. Surprisingly, this time I didn’t choke. But I also couldn’t swallow. The speech pathologist said I have good muscle control and good airway protection, but my esophagus is completely blocked by scar tissue so the food has nowhere to go. Hopefully, that can be fixed, but it may require several surgeries.

Normally when I hear the word “surgery” I cringe, but this time I felt like jumping for joy. I haven’t had anything to eat or drink since September and maybe, finally, we can get the ball rolling so I can get rid of this feeding tube and try to get back to normal.

Each surgery will require two surgeons: an ENT who will work from the top down (down my throat); and a thoracic surgeon who will work from the bottom up (through my feeding tube). A week after each surgery I’ll go back for another barium swallow to check progress. I may have to have a nasogastric tube (a tube that goes through the nose and down into the stomach) in between surgeries to keep the esophagus from closing again. That will definitely be unpleasant, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get my life back.

For now I wait for the thoracic surgeon’s office to call and schedule me an appointment to see him before they can schedule my surgery. The speech pathologist told me to call her if I don’t hear anything in the next few days.

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading my blog. If  you’d like to help me with my battle with cancer, please go to https://www.youcaring.com/julie-mears-henry-495041.

 Posted by at 10:00 pm

  4 Responses to “Setting the Wheels in Motion”

  1. Well sorry you have to go through more medical procedures but I understand wanting life back to normal. Thinking maybe next Thanksgiving you can set down to that big meal with love ones and have a lot to be thankful for.

  2. Julie, when I was diagnosed with Barretts Esophagus and they found it was cancerous. My options after being told that radiation and/or chemo was found not to be effective was surgery or meds…I opted for surgery which meant removing most of my esophagus. I do not have trouble swallowing and so far I have not missed it…I hope that this info helps you some in case the Drs have to do anything with the esophagus. I pray that things continue to get better with you..

  3. Julie, this is good news indeed! It’s scar tissue…plus there is a fix for it! No wonder you feel like jumping for joy. It’s hard to be patient when you know you are onto something. There is light at the end of the tunnel! Let’s all pray for speedy procedures!

  4. This sounds like good news! Even though it means more surgery. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. And again thanks for the update!

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