Mar 302016

Pet ScanToday I went to Orlando for my CT scan, after which I saw my oncologist. The CT scan showed some abnormal tissue in my neck, but the oncologist said she’s not too worried about it right now. It’s very small and she said it could be inflammation from my surgery. She also said they frequently find abnormal tissue in people who have been treated for cancer and a lot of times it turns out to be nothing (I guess it’s a late effect of the treatment).

Another reason they weren’t real worried is it hasn’t been that long since my last surgery and the ENT didn’t see anything with the scope. Since I’m having another surgery next Monday, they’ve asked her to take a look and if she sees anything suspicious to do a biopsy.

I’m trying not to worry about it too much, but it’s hard not to when your oncologist says “abnormal tissue” and “biopsy”. On the other hand, my throat is still really sore from the surgery, so it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s some inflammation in there.

Surgery is scheduled for 10:30 on Monday.

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading my blog. If  you’d like to help me with my battle with cancer, please go to

 Posted by at 8:53 pm

  10 Responses to “Some (slightly) unsettling news”

  1. My mom had the abnormal tissue and with time they went away, so hang in there. Thinking and praying for you always…

    Good luck on Monday!!

  2. Good luck on Monday! Many people are praying for you!

  3. Keep your chin up. You can, and will kick this things butt! We love you.

  4. Big hugs Jewels! Just keep thinking of the beach and margaritas.

  5. I know you must be worried. I’ll keep praying and hoping for a good outcome. Love, Aunt Betty

  6. All our prayers are with you now & Monday. Thanks for the update, i2as just thinking about you. You are in my prayers daily.
    Linda & Harold.

  7. All our prayers are with you now & Monday. Thanks for the update, I was just thinking about you. You are in my prayers daily.
    Linda & Harold.

  8. I have been thinking of you and wondering what I could do to help. Please let me know….I really appreciate the update, I know you are probably very anxious but it doesn’t sound like to Doctor is all that concerned. We are praying for you.

  9. Hope all goes well tomorrow. We’ll be thinking of you.
    Kim and Bruce

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